PokéRus Giveaway!

Not sure if people are interested, but I got a Pokérus Pomémon a long time ago and I wanted to infect a bunch of non-shinies so I could share the luck! Not a first come first serve giveaway, just comment below if you're interested and I'll pick up to 30 winners! (Depending on demand!)

All Pokémon infected are non-shiny, all caught by me and infected with PokéRus by my Pokémon in BD!

Not sure if people are interested, but I got a Pokérus Pomémon a long time ago and I wanted to infect a bunch of non-shinies so I could share the luck! Not a first come first serve giveaway, just comment below if you're interested and I'll pick up to 30 winners! (Depending on demand!)

All Pokémon infected are non-shiny, all caught by me and infected with PokéRus by my Pokémon in BD!